Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Anticipation of the Camel Race

By Scott Wells
President and General Manager

What I was thinking when I volunteered to ride a camel in a race?!!! As the day approaches, my doubts are growing. I'm wondering what the corporate owners are going to think when they see the president and general manager out there on the racetrack on a camel. No doubt the insurance adjusters will be scanning my job description (which I intentionally left vague enough to include just about everything).
In my former life as a racehorse trainer I broke ("gentled" is a better word) close to 1000 horses. I've spent years in the saddle at all but some kind of contraption with a railing! Excuse me? A Railing? I don't like the sound of that. What if I what to "exit"? When getting bucked off a horse (Yes, that has happened a few times), I try to get free and clear--the father away from those pounding hooves the better. But a railing? I don't like the sound of that.
Plus --and this is the big one-- I've been accustomed since early childhood to the movements of a horse in full stride, I am not "synched up" to a lumbering camel. I've heard there's a lot of side-to-side "wobble" in their gait. What, it's unthinkable that a man on my position -- of my experience -- would fall off in front of thousands of people that a man on my position and on TVs across the country. What the HELL was I thinking?

The Race will be this Saturday, April 10th!

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