Thursday, January 30, 2014

My Big Fat Saved Wedding

Another thrilling tale of redemption came from Remington Park last week, but this one is not about a longshot horse, a close race, or a sudden jackpot. This tale comes from inside the walls of our mezzanine kitchen, where our top-of-the-line culinary staff boils, grills, bakes, and roasts for our many guests and patrons throughout the year.

And so the story goes:

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon on January 11th, 2014. A gorgeous day for a wedding. And that’s just what was planned at Remington Park as decorations filled the halls and music filled the air.

Preparations were being made, bridesmaids were smiling, and the groomsmen shaking hands. Our beautiful bride was beaming and our guests were ready for the ceremony with a slice of one of the world’s greatest treats – wedding cake.

Then disaster struck. The grandmother of the bride made a fatal error stepping out of the car, and in one heart-stopping moment of sheer terror, time stood still. The cake shifted balance and slipped out of control, toppling hopelessly to the cold, hard, unforgiving parking lot concrete below. The moment was too horrible to be real. The cake smashed, the day ruined. That delicately and beautifully arranged icing smeared across the oil-stained pavement.

What could be done? It was simply too late to be saved.

And this, ladies and gentleman, is where our culinary team turned a tragically ill-fated day into a truly amazing story of redemption. Our Remington Park team of group sales heroes and kitchen staff immediately jumped to the rescue and told them to remain calm. Our very own Emily Foy – baker, chef, and professional day-saver – refused to let the dark shadow of a ruined cake be cast over such a bright and beautiful occasion.

Orders were called, errands were run, and the team divided up to jump to the task of saving the day. And so it was, in a matter of hours, Remington Park’s kitchen turned a disaster into a triumph. All hope was not lost for our beautiful bride. 

In fact, on that day, we dare to say hope was gained. Hope and faith in the abilities and ambitions of our very own magic-maker Emily Foy. She measured, planned, strategized, and took action. She baked two more layers of cake, and designed a brand new masterpiece that perfectly replicated the original down to every possible detail.

So here’s to you, Emily, and your team. All of us here at Remington Park acknowledge and admire your quick-thinking, your extraordinary talent, and most of all, your compassion. You chose to take a challenge that day not because your job demanded it, but because you refused to let a bride’s wedding day be dampened by the disastrous event of a ruined wedding cake.

To find out more about our wedding services, culinary staff, and rates, visit or give us a call at 405-425-3270.

Remington Park is Oklahoma's #1 sporting entertainment destination. Unlike any other Casino in the area, we offer a unique blend of continually-updated casino games, live music, fine dining and both live and simulcast horse racing. 

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